Hubungan Dukungan Emosional Teman Sebaya dengan Stres Lingkungan pada Santriwati Pertama di Pondok Pesantren Al-Qodiri Jember
The problems encountered by first-year students are changes in education
patterns, new lives in entering new environments, and separating from their
parents, which causes the students depressed and environmental stress. The
research objective was to analyze the relationship between peer emotional
support and environmental stress at Al-Qodiri Islamic Boarding School Jember.
This research applied a total sampling technique, with cross-sectional research
design and involving 62 first-year female students. The data were collected using
the peer emotional support questionnaire (α-Cronbach 0.837) with a total of 12
questions, and the environmental stress questionnaire (α-Cronbach 0.736) with a
total of 18 questions. The statistical test in this research used the Pearson test.
The Research Committee of the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Jember,conducted
the ethical test of this research with the number No.2805/UN25.1.14/SP/2020. The
research findings indicated that peer emotional support had an average score of
19.42 (out of 48) and environmental stress had an average score of 40.10 (out of
72). There was a significant relationship between peer emotional support and
environmental stress for first-year female students (p-value = 0.027), while the
correlation (r) between the two variables was classified as weak with an r-value
of -0.280. The behavior shown by female students was they encountered
environmental stress when they were in a new environment. The first-year female
students must have good emotional support, so they can avoid stress and enable
them to feel calm, cared for, loved, confident, and strong in encountering the
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1564]