The Process of Student’s Thinking Deduction Level to Solve the Problem of Geometry
SUNARDI, Sunardi
SUHARTO, Suharto
SUSANTO, Susanto
YULYANINGSIH, Yulyaningsih
Show full item recordAbstract
Each thinking level van Hiele will describe the process of thinking a people use
learning the geometric concepts and types of geometric ideas thinks. This research is a
qualitative descriptive research what aims to describe the thinking process of students at the
level of deduction in solving geometry problems. The collection data’s method in this research
is test and interview method. The test is classification of students' thinking geometry level
according to van Hiele using instruments developed by Usiskin, so that the students get the
level of deduction. The test of geometry to knowing the thinking process students use 1
problem from the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) field Geometry. Interviews
were conducted to the students to confirm the student's work. The results of this study indicated
that students at the level of deduction to solving geometry problems as accordance with the
characteristics of van Hiele geomeri thinking in its level
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7342]