Peran Pemerintah Dalam Eksistensi Pengusaha Tape Di Kabupaten Bondowoso
Bondowoso Regency is known as the center of typical tape food in East Java. Tape as a snack and food
commodity from cassava has survived until now. Various problems arise experienced by tape entrepreneurs
in facing competition with today's food products. The current reality, Tape as a typical Bondowoso food
has not been noticed by policy makers so that the empowerment of tape entrepreneurs is not comprehensive
and sustainable. Tape entrepreneurs need their existence regarding production capability, marketing,
product innovation and competitiveness. This is done because some tape entrepreneurs have small capital
so that they are unable to diversify products that are more innovative and competitive. Management of tape
as a typical food can support branding, product promotion and tourism in Bondowoso district. The synergy
between the Bondowoso government and the tape entrepreneurs will improve the economic welfare at large.
This study used qualitative methods with locations in Bondowoso Regency, East Java Province. The focus
of this research is to determine the role of government and entrepreneurs in the development of tape
products in Bondowoso. The government and businessmen can support each other in the development of
tape products as superior products. Empowerment that creates a creative economy with various processed
tape products such as dodol, fried tape, brownie tape, burnt tape which can last a long time. Tape product
as an opportunity to improve the welfare and special food of Bondowoso
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]