SWOT Analysis on Fermented Cassava Industry in Jember Regency
Small and medium enterprises such as fermented cassava industry were subject to sluggish market, tighter competition,
declining productivity. Jember is popular as one of the central producers of cassava products particularly fermented cassava. The
research aims was to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of fermented cassava industry. The methodology used was
qualitative research with using survey and exploratory approach. The data used were primary and secondary data. Data collected by
doing documentation, interview and observation for 10 fermented cassava industries located in Jember regency. The research found that
fermented cassava industry has strength on low production cost, weakness on traditional technology used to make fermeted cassava.. The
opportunity for this industry may use higher technology and food’s innovation. The threat was on how to produce uniqueness on taste,
serve higher quality and quantity of fermented cassava to fulfill the demand
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]