Pengaruh Senam Vitalisasi Otak terhadap Fungsi Kognitif pada Penderita Hipertensi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Silo Kabupaten Jember (Effect of Brain Vitalization Gymnastics on Cognitive Function in Hypertensive Patients in the Work Area of Silo Public Health Center, Jember Regency)
Hypertension is an asymptomatic disorder characterized by continuous increase
in blood pressure. Increased blood pressure for a long time can cause heart,
kidney, and brain problems if it is not detected from the start and does not get
immediate treatment. This disorder in the brain is a decrease in cognitive or
memory function. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Brain
Vitalization Gymnastics on cognitive function in patients with hypertension.
Cognitive function in hypertensive patients as the dependent variable and Brain
Vitalization Gymnastics as independent variables. This study used quasy
experiment with pre-post test with control group design. The sample amounted to
32 respondents obtained from simple random sampling. Samples were divided
into two groups (16 respondents as treatment group and 16 respondents as a
control group). The treatment group was given brain vitalization exercises for 3
consecutive in 2 weeks for 15 minutes. The data analysis of this research used
Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests. The analysis using the Wilcoxon test showed
that the differences of significant between pretest and posttest in the intervention
group (p:0,001) and the results of the data analysis using the Mann Whitney test
showed that the differences of significant between the intervention group and the
control group (p:0,001). Therefore, it can be concluded that Brain Vitalization
Gymnastics has an effect on improving cognitive function in patients with
hypertension. Nurses is expected to give health education about brain vitalization
exercises to improve cognitive function in patients with hypertension. Future
studies should to conduct research on vitalization exercise of the brain using
larger samples and can control cognitive functions such as age, education, and
duration of hypertension.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1564]