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Title: The Application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Based on Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC) to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking Skill
HOBRI, Hobri
IRVAN, Muhammad
Keywords: problem based learning
lesson study for learning community
students’ creative thinking skill
Issue Date: 17-Nov-2018
Publisher: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 243 (2019) 012141
Abstract: of the important factors determining the ability of a nation in facing the challenges of the globalization era with the existence of qualified human resources is through the optimization of the role of education. The 2013 curriculum aims to prepare Indonesian people to have creative thinking skills. Creative thinking can be built when students do the process of solving problems scientifically, and it is done in small groups through Problem Based Learning (PBL). In learning, students in groups find their own solutions to the problem while the teacher acts as a facilitator. In small groups, students also collaborate, learn, and care for each other so that no student feels neglected through Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC). This study aimed to improve students' creative thinking skills by applying tools learning through PBL-based LSLC. This research was a 4-D model development study from Thiagarajan which was analyzed using validation sheets. This research was carried out in Islamic junior high school, and the research subjects were students of class VIII A. The results showed that (1) based on the test results that the application of LSLC-based PBL teaching administrations had a significant effect on students' creative thinking abilities, (2) students’ attitudes, activities, and creative thinking processes increased after applying the teaching administrations that contained the PBL syntax based on LSLC.
Description: The First International Conference on Environmental Geography and Geography Education (ICEGE) 17–18 November 2018, University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia
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