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Title: Perubahan Kelembagaan pada Usaha Hatchery Skala Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Situbondo: Studi Dinamika Pendapatan, Hubungan Kerja dan Akses Kredit
Authors: Febrianti, Desy
Adenan, Moh.
Wardhono, Adhitya
Keywords: Institutional
Dynamics of income
access to credit
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2015
Publisher: Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Pembangunan, Vol. 7, No. 2, Juli 2015
Abstract: The imbalances in the mastery of technology, land ownership and access to capltal led to the emergence of a relationship between technology owners, landowners and owners of capital in an interdependent economic relationship. The formation of economic relations between the owners of technology, land owners and owners of capital is one of the strategies in order to maintain business continuity of househotd scale hatchery business (HSHB). Tl e existing economic relotionship omong HSHB coused the institutionol changes, such as rules of the game, norm, and sanction. The chonges of economic institutional wos becofie new orientotion to maintain continuity business of HSHB. The purpose of this study to analyze institutional drrongement with respect to economic variable. sieh as the dynanics of income, employment, and qccess to credit at HSHB. This study would analysis institutional changes with approach the dynamics of income, employment, ond occess to credit dt HSHB in Bungoton and Kendit subdlstrict. ln this study used primory dota. The method of primary ddto callection was conducted by using three methocls, nameiy the method of participant observotion, interview methods, docurnentation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data have been analized using quolitative methods, such os the method of anolysis ol life history, ond the content analysis methods. The result of this study showed that institutional anangement significantly occured ot HSHB which the income tend to increase dynomicly. On the other hand the composition and the role of the gome for employment ospect wos huge better structured. The phenomeno of access ta credit was increase.
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