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dc.contributor.authorMurtaqib, Murtaqib-
dc.description.abstractIndonesia, stroke patients have increased every year. Stroke is a disease characterized by brain tissue death. This disease can occur due to reduced blood flow and oxygen to the brain due to blockage, narrowing, or rupture of blood vessels and have an impact on decreased bodily functions and disability.this study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge of gihg risk of stroke and lifestyle in post stroke patients in the working area of the health center Tanggul in Jember. Analytic correlation with cross sectional is the research design and the sample technique uses total sampling with a sample of 28 people, then the data collection using quistionnaires and analyzed using Spearmen Rank. The results showed that respondents had a low level of knowledge of 26 people (89%) and a bad lifestyle of 16 people (58%). Statistical test results show that the p value of 0.030 and the value of R 0.04 which indicates a moderate and positive (+) relationship the higher the knowledge, the better the lifestyle and the lower the knowledge, the worse the lifestyle. Health workers must emphasize the provision of health education to the community to provide knowledge about the risk of stroke and implement a healthy lifestyleen_US
dc.publisherThe International Journal of Health, Education and Social (IJHES), [Vol : 3 Issue : 1 | January 2020]en_US
dc.subjectLevel of knowledgeen_US
dc.subjecthigh risk of strokeen_US
dc.subjectpost strokeen_US
dc.titleKnowledge about High Risk Stroke Relationship with Lifestyle in Post-Stroke Patients in the Working Area of Tanggul Health Central in Jemberen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI2310101#Ilmu Keperawatan-
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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