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dc.contributor.authorMasruroh, Sri Indariyatul-
dc.contributor.authorCahyono, Bowo Eko-
dc.contributor.authorNugroho, Agung Tjahjo-
dc.description.abstractWaste is an important issue in urban environments and will continue to be faced by governments and communities. Most waste disposal sites are concentrated in the Final Disposal Site (TPA). Waste accumulation in the landfill can create methane gas which can spread to the environment. The purpose of this research is to know the application of TGS 2611 sensor as methane gas detector and use it to measure methane gas distribution at TPA Pakusari Jember. This research is conducted by detecting the distribution of methane gas in TPA Pakusari. Data retrieval is performed by placing the sensor directly above the garbage pile and then observe the voltage value that appears on the LCD screen. The obtained data of voltage values are normalized and then they are visualized into 2 dimension contoure graph by using Matlab application. The results show that methane gas in TPA Pakusari is not spread evenly but it spreads randomly. This is due to the unequal garbage composition and the height random garbage at each measurement point. The largest methane gas is located in the area of the pile of organic waste that suffers from decay and the lowest methane gas is located in areas with little piles of rubbish and dominant with the soil. Thus it can be concluded that TGS 2611 sensor can be applied to detect the spread of methane gas in TPA Pakusari Jember.en_US
dc.publisherPillar of Physics, Vol. 12 No. 1, April 2019, 16 - 21en_US
dc.subjectmethane gasen_US
dc.subjectTGS 2611 sensoren_US
dc.titleDeteksi Sebaran Gas Metana (CH4) di Tempat Penampungan Akhir (TPA) Pakusari Jember Menggunakan Sensor TGS 2611en_US
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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