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Title: Analisis Status Keberlanjutan Komoditas Tembakau Besuki Na Oogst Di Kecamatan Wuluhan Kabupaten Jember
Authors: D., Herman Cahyo
Adenan, Moh
Muktianto, Rhamanda Try
Keywords: Besuki Na Oogst Tobacco, Status of Sustainability, RAP-Tobacco
Abstract: Tobacco commodities besuki na oogst in Jember regency of production continue to decrease. The decline in tobacco production besuki na Oogst caused by erratic weather, high rainfall, volcanic ash mounts roar. The purpose of this research: 1) to identify the agribusiness system associated with tobacco production process besuki na oogst in District Wuluhan Jember District; and 2) to analyze the sustainability status of tobacco commodities besuki na oogst seen from the ecological, economic, and social dimension. The method of analysis used in this research is descriptive method and RAP-Tobacco analysis with Multidimensional scaling method. The result of the research shows that the agribusiness system of tobacco commodities besuki na oogst is still not related, the relationship between subsystems of supply of production facilities, cultivation subsystem or farming and supporting service subsystem still not close. The sustainability status of multidimensional na oogst tobacco commodities including ecological, economic, and social dimensions shows that tobacco besuki na oogst commodities are on a sustainable status with an index value of 58.27 which means the index values are all dimensions including: ecological, economic dimension , and social effect on the sustainability status of tobacco commodities besuki na oogst.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Economic and Business

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