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Title: Identification of Growth Performance of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) Genotypes in F1 Generation
Authors: Poerwoko, Mohammad Setyo
Keywords: Identification
Issue Date: 9-Apr-2019
Abstract: Soybean is a food crop that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Soybean needs are increasing both used for food and non-food industry raw materials. Making varieties by crossing several superior varieties is expected to produce soybean varieties that have better properties than their parents. Before the crossing of plants, it is necessary to know in advance the characteristics of the plants to be crossed. This study aims to determine the agronomic character of 5 soybean varieties along with 20 results of dialel crossing and to determine the growth response and yield of 5 soybean varieties with 20 yields of dialel crossing. The crossed varieties include Dega-1, Gemasugen-1, Gemasugen-2, Sinabung, Gema. Based on the results of the study showed that twenty results of crosses and five generations of F 1 soybean parents showed significantly different results on parameters of plant height, number of fertile books, number of primary branches, age of flowers, harvest age, number of pods, number of empty pods, number of seeds per plants, seed weight per plant and weight of 100 seeds. Genotypes from Gemasugen-2 and Dega-1 crosses have higher yield potential compared to other crossing results. The results of the Gemasugen-2 crossing with Dega-1 and Gemasugen-2 with Gemasugen-1 also have more early age (74 days) compared to other cross-bred soybean genotypes in the F1 generation.
Description: BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH, 2019 16(1): 86-94.
ISSN: 1811-9506
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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