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Authors: YUNUS, Ridak
P DE S FERNADES, Francisca
Keywords: CHARACTER’S.
Issue Date: 15-Aug-2017
Series/Report no.: 9001101185;
Abstract: Ernest Hemingway is a famous American writer. He is a very keen novelist as well as a short story writer. The novel, The Sun Also Risa, is one of his work, created in 1926. The novel is considered as his first serious novel. The subject matter of The Sun Also Saes is about the lite situation of the main character, Jake Banes, in a society upset by the violence of war and cut off from love by the shell wound, and haunted by the feeling that there is nothing in the world to rely upon. He spends his lite in French and Spain, purchases the worldly life and worldly happiness and enjoy sport, drinking, eating, and going sight-seeing. lie is willing to get the pleasure instead of contemplating his distiity. The Sun Also Rises tells about a young mon, Jake Barnes, who faces hard life related with the disturbrancc of his sexual organ. The main problem which is written by the author is that he tries to analyze his novel in detail, digging out the psychological maturity of the main character. In this case, the author tries himself how to deal with the frightening situation that harries toward the main character personality. The impotence and disappointment of his love affair with his lover, Brett Ashley, make his personality become more consistent to think that man is nothing else, but what he can make of himself. "Ibis phenomena becomes the central matters that the main character experiences which made him different from other characters. He was a brawman,
Appears in Collections:Diploma Programme - Faculty of Culture

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