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Authors: Sukarno, Hari
Hisamudin, Nur
Fitriana, Nurul Isnaini
Keywords: Conservation
Natural Resources
Spatial Model
Capability Environment
Issue Date: 16-Jun-2017
Abstract: Conservation of natural resources and ecosystems based on preservation and capabilities. Conservation also means the use of natural resourcesand ecosystems in aharmonious and balanced. The principle is thefoundation for achieving the goal, which is seeking the realization of conservation of natural resources and ecosystem in order to support the improvement of welfare and quality of human life. Research purposes, among others: (1) identifying and determining the relationship between environmental capacity with spaceutilization changes in East Java, (2) identifying and determining the relationship between environmental capacity in the conservation of natural resources with the location of human activities (in the context of social, economic, culture), and (3) creating aspatial model of environmental capacity in an effort to conserve natural resources in East Java,and (4) providing policy advice related to the conservation of natural resourcesin East Java. Type of researchused in this activity were supported by quantitative researchand qualitative research.Location of study include (1) Malang Regency, (2) Pasuruan Regency, (3) Mojokerto Regency, and (4) Jombang Regency. The samples were selected by purposive sampling, i.e. males/ female in eachvillage at the sites. As for determining the number of samples was done by using simple sampling method or Slavin methods, where at each location were taken 100 people, local communities to serve as respondents. The data collection technique using a combination of primary date and secondary data. Data analysis techniques used include quantitative descriptive statistical analysis, facto analysis, and spatial analysis. The results of the analysis conducted in 2010 showed that the largestforest are locatedin Malang Regency, covering ~n areaof 796.44 km', followed by Kediri Regency and Jombang Regenc: with an areaof284.69 km2 and 195.60 km' respectively. This pattern also applies to land use Rice Irrigation an: Resettlement. Analysis of land use is urgently needed to estimate howfar the influence of land usefactors ca affect the level of regional presence and cover. Rice extensive rain cistern associatedwith ageographicalpositio which is generally rainfed located in an area with a large slope (> 25%) and high altitude. Overlay spatu: analysis shows the level of administrative borderdistricts and regency with the watershed area(DAS), subzon and basin block to get the rain catchment area (Catchment Area), debit streamflow and water availability. 17 conclusion obtained afact there is a link between environmental capacity with changes in the spaceutilization 1 Forest Park with indicators of rainfall and water discharge annual averagefor 20 years (R2 = 0.52). There is sufficient connection between environmental capacity in the conservation of natural resourceswith the locati of human activities in the socio-economic context (landuse-income, R2 = 0.63) and lower linkages related socio-cultural (landuse-leoel education, R2 = 0.58 and landuse ofjobs, R2 = 0.42).
Description: Cakrawala (Jurnal Litbang Kebijakan), Vol. 10, No.1, Juni 2016: 13 - 30
ISSN: 1978-0354
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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