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dc.contributor.authorAgustina, Windy
dc.contributor.authorSugiarti, Titik
dc.contributor.authorYuliati, Nanik
dc.descriptionJurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 4 No. 3 hal 139-148, September 2016en_US
dc.description.abstractLearning Mathematics stressed the provision of direct experience to students that they could be involved active and creative in learning because invented the concept of scientically matter. Based the results of observation the activities of teachers in SDN Tegalgede 01 Jember, obtained that learning still teachers centered. Based the RPP,the teachers only uses the talk and task , without using media to attract students, this caused activity of the students is less active (38,9% ) and the result of study is good enough (62,75%). One of the efforts to overcome the problems is applying scientific approach in learning mathematics. The purpose of this research is to increase the activity and the results of grade fifth grade SDN Tegalgede 01 jember with the applying scientific approach. This research is act of grade to the subject of study consisted of 36 students. Collecting data in this research using observation, testing, interview and documentation. This research conducted in two cycles, every cycle consisting of two meetings. The subject in cycles I is Rrctangular a triangle of a trapezoid, and in cycle II is rhombic, a kite and a parallelogram. The research of the results show that the existence of the increase in activity and study results of students grade fifth SDN Tegalgede 01 jember with the applying scientific approach. The learning activity in pracycle of 38,9%(less active), in cycle I of 62,75% (good active),and increase in cycle II of 83,2% (active). The average of study result of the student all at klasikal has also increased from pracycle is 67,4 (good enough), increase of cycle I be 80 (good), and the cycle II increase of 89,9 (good). So, can be concluded that the implementation of scientific approach can be used as alternative in learning mathematics, because it could to increase the activity and results students grade fifth grade at SDN Tegalgede 01 Jember.en_US
dc.subjectpendekatan saintifiken_US
dc.subjectaktivitas belajaren_US
dc.subjecthasil belajaren_US
dc.titlePenerapan Pendekatan Saintifik untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Pokok Bahasan Kesebangunan Bangun Datar Siswa Kelas V SDN Tegal Gede 01 Jemberen_US
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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