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dc.contributor.authorNur En d ah P e r m at asa r i-
dc.description.abstractC ontra c e pti v e disconti nu ati on is the c ondit ion of w ome n w ho had pr e v iou sly used at least one of c ontra c e pti v e me thod but disconti nue using it . Indon e sia i s one of the c ountr ies in the w orld that has incre ased th e c ontra c e pti v e disconti nuati on, e spec ial ly IU D. T he ris k factors of IU D disconti nuati on are v ary. T he aim of thi s study w as to analyze the de term inant s of IU D disconti nuati on in Indon e sia. A c ross se c ti onal study de sign w as used in thi s s tud y . Data of thi s study w e r e based on the re sult s of I DH S 2 007, w it h 706 samples. T his re se arch w as anal y ze d using u nivariabl e analysis, bi v ariab le analysis using C hi square, and multi v ariab le analysis using L ogist i c R e gr e ssi on w it h e a c h signi fi c anc e lev e l α = 0,05 . Re sidenc e , re li gion, e c o nomic stat us, e x posure t o mass me dia, Fam il y P lanni ng ( FP ) inf ormati on, and f oll ow up of FP d idn’t h av e signi fi c ant re lat ions hip w it h IU D disconti nuati on . A ge , pari ty, e duc ati on, oc c upati on, and FP di sc ussi on be tw e e n husband w if e had signi fi c ant re lat ionsh i p w it h IU D disconti nuati on . T he factors that c an be used to predic t the IU D disco n ti nuati on w e re age , pari ty, and e duc ati on. BKK BN ne e d a c ounse li ng program e v aluat ion then the c ounse li ng proce ss that w il l be done by provide r c an be improv e d soon about FP inf ormati on, how to c onv e y it , and the using of inst rume nt in he alt h promoti on of FP.en_US
dc.subjectI UD , Fam il y Planni ng, Disc onti nuati o nen_US
dc.titleDET E RM INA N P E NGHE NTIAN P E N G GUN AA N IUD DI IN DONES IA (A na li sis Da ta Surve i D e mog ra fi da n K e se ha tan Indon e sia 2007)en_US
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Public Health

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