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Title: Compensation System Influence to Job Satisfaction and Job Spirit Fires an Employee East Part Sell on PT.Forum Agro Sukses Timur Jember
Authors: N i na N uki t a
Keywords: Job Spirit Fires
Issue Date: 27-Jan-2014
Series/Report no.: 100810201225;
Abstract: SUMMARY Compensation System Influence To Job Satisfaction And Job Spirit Fires An Employee East Part Sell On PT. Forum Agro Sukses Timur Jember; Nina Nukita; 100810201225; 2013; 89 pages; Departement of Management Faculty of Economics University of Jember. The purpose of this study to determine and analyze the effect of compensation systems on job satisfaction, compensation system on morale, job satisfaction and the impact on employee morale. Objects used in this study is PT. Successful Agro Forum Jember East. Based on the background and the formulation of the problem, this research study is classified as an explanation Based on the results of the calculation of the path, it can be seen that the compensation system significantly influence job satisfaction and the value of β = 0.360 and 0.000 significance, the compensation system also significantly influence the morale value of β = 0.357 and 0.001 and the significance of job satisfaction also significantly affect morale employees with a value of β = 0.588 and 0.000 siginificance and the compensation system also significantly influence the morale via job satisfaction as variable as intermediate as big as 0,312 or 31,2%.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Economic and Business

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