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Authors: Asmaningrum, Nurfika
Keywords: Organizational commitment, personal factors, and Spiritual Leadership
Issue Date: 11-Nov-2013
Abstract: Organizational commitment is the heart of analysis human resources management, and it will be influence all the nurse to be more committed to their hospital. Building the organizational commitment plays the important role with respected the organizational determinant such as personal characteristics, and job satisfaction, also spiritual leadership. The research aims to conduct further analysis of the factors that contribute the formation of nurse organizational commitment on hospital Islam Surabaya, which include personal factors and organizational factors. Personal factors include gender, education level, employment status, age and marital status. While organizational factors refers to job satisfaction and spiritual leadership. This study is an observational analytic design. The subjects are 82 nurses in Surabaya Islamic Hospitals nursing care wards. The samples used Proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The Instruments of organizational commitment used the adaptations Psychological Attachment Instrument presented by O’Reilly&Chatman. The multivariat analysis used multiple linier regression. Research findings show that R square is 0.203, it means that the variable age (p-value 0.386), gender (p-value 0.065), marital status (p-value 0.081), long tenure (p-value 0.428), education level (p-value 0.617), job satisfaction (p-value 0.429) and the application of Spiritual Leadership (p-value 0.059) can explain the formation of the nurse organization's commitment was 20.3%, and the others is explained by another factors. The variables have the greatest influence on nurse organizational commitment is the application of Spiritual Leadership (beta value of 0.270). In the end stage of the liniary regression modeling, it’s known that Spiritual Leadership, female gender, marital status married, the older age and long tenure of nurses, in a sequence are factors that used to predict an increases nurse organization's commitment. Advised to the hospital management to manage factors as determinants of commitment on hospital nurses, and need more efforts to building a spiritual leadership in order to increase the commitment and loyalty of nurses to the hospital organization.
Description: Proceeding the 4th International Nursing Conference: Improving Quality of Nursing care trough nursing research and innovations, Surabaya, 21-22 September 2013
Appears in Collections:Prodi Keperawatan

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