LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-11Analisis ION CN denan Metode Revers Flow Injection Analysis (FIA)MULYONO, Tri; ASNAWATI, Asnawati; OLIANI, Siti
2023-01-25Calorimeter Desin being Monitored by Digital MicrosopeMULYONO, Tri; INDARTI, Dwi; LEESTARI, Fitri Puji
2023-06-23Studi Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Tahu Sebagai Substrat dalam Sistem Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Berbasis KeramikMULYONO, Tri; SISWANTO, Siswanto; MISTO, Misto; GARNET R.A, Mutiara; CAHYONO, Bowo Eko
2016-09-27Design of System Batch Injection Analysis (BIA) for Monitoring the Production of Alcohol (II)MULYONO, Tri; INDARTI, Dwi; RIZQON, Rizqon
2012-02-25Pengembangan Analisis Spot Secara Kuantitatif pada Metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis menggunakan LabVIEWMULYONO, Tri; HANDAYANI, Wuriyanti; H FAJAR S, Hadi Baru
2022-02-08Modification Interior-Point Method for Solving Interval Linear ProgrammingPRADJANINGSIH, Agustina; FATMAWATI, Fatmawati; SUPRAJITNO, Herry
2021-01-10Optimasi Produksi Susu Dengan Algoritma Affine Scaling (Studi Kasus Pada Industri Susu Rembangan Jember)NURANGGRAINI, Laras Vegi; PRADJANINGSIH, Agustina; RISKI, Abduh
2021-01-10Penerapan Algoritma Karmarkar Pada Optimasi Keuntungan (Studi Kasus Pada Produsen Roti Habibi)AMIENI, Taufiqi Fadhilah; PRADJANINGSIH, Agustina; RISKI, Abduh
2021-07-07Penerapan Fuzzy Linear Programming Untuk Optimasi Produksi Tahu (Studi Kasus di Desa Tanjungrejo Kabupaten Jember)ILLAHI, Anisa Wahyu; PRADJANINGSIH, Agustina; RISKI, Abduh
2022-04Decision-Making Using Fuzzy Topsis for Selecting Beginner Umkm That Receive Business FundingNEGARI, Novisna Lintang; RISKI, Abduh; PRADJANINGSIH, Agustina; KAMSYAKAWUNI, Ahmad
2021-11Application of Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Fully Fuzzy Linear Equations SystemSARI, Merysa Puspita; PRADJANINGSIH, Agustina; UBAIDILLAH, Firdaus
2021-07Application of Combined GSA&sCSO Algorithm to Modified Bounded Knapsack with Multiple Constraints Problem against Uncertain CoefficientMARIS, Ingka; PRADJANINGSIH, Agustina; SANTOSO, Kiswara Agung
2021-11-30Social Relations Between Markets and Farmers: A Sustainable Development Model for Coffee CommoditiesAFANDI, Mochammad Farid; KOMARIYAH, Siti; APRILLIANTO, Bayu; ROSA, Dien Vidia
2021-10-27The Impact of Adding Vegetable Waste on the Functioning of Microbial Fuel CellMULYONO, Tri; MISTO, Misto; CAHYONO, Bowo Eko; FAHMIDIA, Nanda Hilda
2019-11-13Using Multisample Refractometer to Determine the Sugar Content of Sugarcane Juice in Sugar Factory BesukiMISTO, Misto; MULYONO, Tri; CAHYONO, Bowo Eko
2015-08-29Penentuan Tegangan Permukaan Sangat Rendah Mengunakan Methode ADSA-OverlayMULYONO, Tri; INDARI, Dwi; ALHADIR, Moh Azhar
2023-01-13Studi Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Lignin Kulit Kopi Sebagai Inhibitor Organik Korosi BesiHASAN, Zainul; MULYONO, Tri; WINATA, I Nyoman Adi
2015-08-28Aplikasi Metode Adsa-Overlay Untuk Mengukur Tegangan PermukaanALHADI, M. A. Alhadi; MULYONO, Tri; INDARTI, Dwi
2019-10-15Synthesis of Aldehyde-Silica Nanoparticle for Matrix Immobilization of Endo-β-1,4-D-xylanaseRATNADEWI, Anak Agung Istri; TRISSA, Trissa; SUWARDIYANTO, Suwardiyanto; HANDAYANI, Wuryanti; SANTOSO, Agung Budi; SUDARKO, Sudarko
2022-10-14Students' Mathematical Literacy Ability in Solving Story ProblemsAZIZAH, Muftihatul; SUNARDI, Sunardi; YUDIANTO, Erfan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 1874