LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-10-14Gingivitis Severity of Contraceptives Injection Users Containing Progesteron and Estrogen-Progesteron Hormones on Puskemas Sumbersari Jember RegencyPRAHARANI, Depi; UTAMI, Anjayani Sri; PUJIASTUTI, Peni
2021-08-19Spirituality and Coping Strategy In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes MellitusWIDAYATI, Nur; ROHMIN, Nuhita Siti; PURWANDARI, Retno
2019-03-25Peningkatan Kinerja Pemeliharaan Jaringan Irigasi Tersier Oleh Petani Berbasis ManajemenERNANDA, Dr. Ir. Heru; MT
2018-01-16Penelusuran Dan Pemetaan Jaringan Irigasi Tersier Melalui Program Kkn Tematik Cinop Pada 5 Desa Di Wilayah Kecamatan Puger (Di Bedadung Bagian Hilir)ERNANDA, Heru; WAHYUNINGSIH, Sri; INDARTO
2014-03-01Kajian Prosedur Penetapan Urutan Prioritas Rehabilitasi - Pengelolaan Aset Irigasi BendungERNANDA, Heru
2020-06-19The Influence of Research-Based Learning Implementation In Improving Students’ Combinatorial Thinking Skills in Solving Local Irregularity Vertex R-Dynamic ColoringMAYLISA, I N; DAFIK; HADI, A F; WANGGUWAY, Y; HARJITO, d L O
2022-10-01Kondisi Biopsikososial Penyintas Covid 19 di Kabupaten JemberPRAYITNO, Hadi; ELFIAH, Ulfa; LESTARI, Indah; ARIF, Arif
2018-12-20On the development of the GE and the GGE interaction Biplot in the RCIM model and the evaluation of its’ robustness to the outlying observationsHADI, Alfian Futuhul; SADIYAH, H; HASAN, M
2017-11-05Ovarian Failure Affected Leukocytes Profile in Peripheral Blood and Gingival Fluid (In vivo Study)SUCI D, Agustin Wulan; ERMAWATI, Tantin; FEBRIANTO, Bangun
2017-10-28Penguatan Kelembagaan Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Petani TebuYUNIATI, Sri; SUSILO, Djoko; ALBAYUMI, Fuat
2019-01-28Moringa Seeds (Moringa olifiera L.) Application as Natural Coagulant in Coffee Wastewater TreatmentNOVITA, Elida; WAHYUNINGSIH, Sri; PRADANA, Hendra Andiananta; MARSUT, Wendy Dreifyana; FARISUL F, Akhmad
2022-12-01In Vitro Analysis of Human IgG Immune Response Against 31 kDa and 67 kDa Immunogenic Protein from Aedes albopictus Salivary GlandsWATHON, Syubbanul; AFKARINA, Izza; ROHMAH, Unzilatir; OKTARIANTI, Rike; SENJARINI, Kartika
2022-06-18Gumuk, Perempuan, Dan Konflik Lingkungan dalam Cerpen Pakoh Bumi di Ujung Pertarungan Karya Nurillah Achmad: Pembacaan Ekofeminisme Sosial-TransformatifSISWANTO, Siswanto; TAUFIQ, Akhmad; WIDAYATI, Endang Sri; MURTI, Fitri Nura
2021-11-23Fragments of Madura Women In the Works of Madurese and Eastern Javanese Literature: A Reading of EcofeminismSISWANTO, Siswanto; SUKATMAN, Sukatman; TAUFIQ, Akhmad; WIDAYATI, Endang Sri; WIDJAJANTI, Anita; MURTI, Fitri Nura
2019-06-03Memahami Sosiologi Sastra Alan SwingewoodSISWANTO, Siswanto; HUSNIAH, Furoidatul
2019-07-11Van Der Wijck’s Trace in Pantura: The Development of Tourism Industry Based on Literary-Culture SiteTAUFIQ, Akhmad; SISWANTO, Siswanto
2008-11-30Regresi Rasio Prevalensi dengan Model Log-Binomial: Isu KetakkonvergenanHERAWATI, Netti; HADI, Alfian Futuhul; NUSYIRWAN; NISA, Khoirin
2018-06-14Handling Outlier in Two-Ways Table Data: The Robustness of Row-Column Interaction ModelHADI, Alfian Futuhul; HASAN, Moh.; SADIYAH, Halimatus
2022-10-11Study of Features Importance Level Identification of Machine Learning Classification Model in Sub-Populations for Food InsecurityYULIANI, Endang; SARTONO, Bagus; WIJAYANTO, Hari; HADI, Alfian Futuhul; RAMADHANI, Evi
2022-12-22An Analysis of the Relationship between Social Protection Program Status and the Incidence of Food Insecure Households in Aceh ProvinceRAMADHANI, Evi; MUSTAQIMA, Shafira; SARTONO, Bagus; HADI, Alfian F; SAFITRI, Winny D; YUSUF, Raudhatul M
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 1874