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Authors: Nanda Septesa Mikorizawan
Keywords: Global Positioning System (GPS), tree species diversity, species diversity index, importance value index of type.
Issue Date: 27-Dec-2013
Series/Report no.: 041810401082;
Abstract: Jember University campus with an area of 65.7 ha covered by many different types of plants that can form the flora. This study aims to determine the diversity of tree species in Jember University Campus. The study was conducted in May upto October 2011. Measurement of Jember University campus area and the extent of each Faculty and Program Studies were conducted using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Census method was used to identify and count the number of trees at the study site. Environmental parameters were measured at each study site, include: the degree of acidity (pH) of soil, soil texture, air temperature, and humidity. Species diversity index is determined using the Shannon-Weiner formula. Abundance type is determined by the criteria used in the abundance of individual species of trees. Importance value index of type is used to observe the dominance of plant species at each location. The results showed that in Jember University Campus, there were forty-three species of trees with a total of as many as 789 tree species and the species density was achieved by Swietenia macrophylla King. Jacq. (6.41), followed by Samanea saman Jacq. Merr. (3.28) and Spathodea campanulata Beauv. (2.41), respectively. Of all types of existing trees, three species dominates, namely Swietenia macrophylla King. Jacq., Samanea saman Jacq. Merr., And Spathodea campanulata Beauv .. The index value the importance of trees in the University of Jember ranged from 0.85 at the tree Tectona grandis L. f. and Bombax ceiba L. until 46.39 on the tree Swietenia macrophylla King. Jacq .. The most dominant tree species on the University Campus Jember is Swietenia macrophylla King. Jacq. followed by Samanea saman Jacq. Merr. and Spathodea campanulata Beauv., respectively. Tree species diversity index values in the range of 0.20 at the Nursing Science Program (PSIK) up to 2.66 at the Faculty of Agriculture, which means it has relatively low species diversity through the medium. The total area of study site is 27.75 ha with a mean value of 1.98 ha each faculty.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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