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Title: Pengaruh Rasio Kitin/NaOH terhadap Derajat Deasetilasi Kitosan untuk Aplikasi Film Kitosan-Polianilin dan Responnya terhadap Gas Amonia
Authors: SUSANTI, Tria
Issue Date: 6-Feb-2024
Publisher: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Abstract: Shrimp waste contains 79.51% water, which can be removed through the drying process. Chitin in shrimp waste was isolated through two process, namely deproteination and demineralization. The enzymatic deproteination process conducted using protease enzymes found in shrimp bodies, which is considered more environmentally friendly. The isolated chitin was characterized by FTIR and showed absorptions of OH and C=O amide groups which is typical absorption of chitin. Chitin waste can be modified into chitosan through deacetylation process with variations of chitin/NaOH ratio (1:10; 1:20; and 1:30 g/mL). Chitosan characterization was carried out by calculating the degree of deacetylation and functional group analysis using FTIR. The degree of chitosan deacetylation increased and the yield trend decreased with increasing chitin/NaOH ratio. The degree of chitosan deacetylation for each chitin/NaOH ratio was 42,36±1,62; 48,59±0,51; and 51,39±0,94% with a yield of 49,02±1,18; 49,11±0,47; and 47,84±2,03%. The highest degree of deacetylation of chitosan is obtained from the chitin/NaOH ratio of 1:30 g/mL, which is then used as a raw material for the production of chitosan-based films by dissolving it in 1% acetic acid solution. The chitosan film was coated with polyaniline (chitosan-PANI) and characterized by FTIR and tested the response of chitosan-PANI film to ammonia gas.The characterization results show that the chitosan-PANI film experiences a wave number shift in the IR spectrum of emeraldine salt to emeraldine base as indicated by a color change from green to blue.
Description: Finalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 24 Pebruari 2025
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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