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Title: Optimasi Penjadwalan Tebang Angkut Tebu di Agroindustri Gula Menggunakan Fuzzy Linear Programming
Authors: SUPARTININGRUM, Lituhayu
Keywords: Fuzzy Linear Programming
Sugarcane Harvest
Issue Date: 24-Jul-2023
Abstract: The efficiency of harvest and load costs can be improved by planning a more optimal harvest and load schedule. In this study, optimisation of sugarcane hauling scheduling was carried out using the Fuzzy Linear Programming model. This research aims to design a Fuzzy Linear Programming mathematical model that can minimise the cost of harvest and load, with constraints on land area, milling capacity, transportation capacity, and hauling costs. The constraints of land area and milling capacity are variables with fuzzy situations because they do not have definite limits. The model has two fuzzy variables, namely land area and milling capacity. The research stages include variable identification, model preparation and processing, and model output analysis. The model consists of four models: the general linear programme model, the fuzzy model when the value of t=0, the value of t=1, and the final model when the value of t=1-λ. The scheduling performed was for 5 milling months, based on PG's actual milling period (150 days). From the model preparation and processing results, the final Fuzzy Linear Programming model was obtained with a value of λ = 0.800. The results of this study indicate that the cost efficiency of sugarcane harvest and load can still be improved by carrying out sugarcane harvest and load on an area of 11,680.360 ha during the sugarcane milling season or 4.64% lower than the actual hauling area. With this area, 972,862 tonnes of sugarcane were produced. Harvest and load costs reached Rp.103,464,629,816 per milling season or 7.942% less than actual costs.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Agricultural Technology

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