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Title: Functional status outcomes of adolescents with mental disorders: A descriptive study
Authors: YUSUF, Ah
Keywords: Adolescent
functional health status
mental disorder
Issue Date: 12-Oct-2024
Publisher: Gac Méd Caracas 2024
Abstract: Introduction: Mental disorder impacts various aspect of an individual’s ability to function in daily life and their living environment. There are still limited studies that describe the functional health status of adolescents with mental disorders. This study aimed to determine the functional status of adolescents with mental disorders. Methods: This study was cross-sectional. Data were obtained from 50 family caregivers of adolescents aged 12-18 who experience mental disorders. The sample was conducted by purposive sampling. The variable measured in this study was functional status. The data was measured using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive analysis. Results: The functional status of adolescents with mental disorders, such as activity engagement (50 %), hope (50 %), and speech components (38 %), are in good categories. Adolescents often have trouble sleeping (48 %), tiredness (46 %), eating patterns (64 %), mood depression (92 %), concentrating on schoolwork (78 %), and feeling bad about themselves (76 %). Conclusion: Adolescents with mental disorders still have poor functional abilities, especially trouble sleeping, tiredness, poor eating patterns, mood depression, concentrating on schoolwork, and feeling bad about themselves. Family caregivers need to increase their understanding and recognize adolescents’ abilities in carrying out their daily activities, facilitate the importance of having positive expectations, and give an understanding of the importance of having goals in life to achieve and recognize the problem of sleep patterns, tiredness and mood in adolescents to help overcome the issues in adolescents.
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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