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Title: Perbandingan Konfigurasi PIN Aktinida Minor pada Reaktor Pwr Berbahan Bakar Un-Pun Guna Mengurangi Limbah Reaktor
Authors: NASRULLAH, Muhammad
Keywords: Minor Actinide Pins
PWR Reactor
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Matemaika dan Ilmu Pengetahan Alam
Abstract: Nuclear power plants (PLTN) have been widely used in the world. PLTN in operation produces minor actinide waste. Minor actinide wastes have a high degree of toxicity and a long half-life. The nature of these minor actinides can potentially threaten environmental safety. Minor actinide waste can be reduced by reusing it by mixing it with reactor fuel. The purpose of this study is to determine the effective minor actinide pins configuration in reducing the number of minor actinides. This research is carried out by adding minor actinides in the form of fuel pins to the PWR reactor core which has been operating for 5 years. The fuel used is uranium plutonium nitride (UN-PuN) which is arranged heterogeneously on the reactor core. The minor actinides used in the study consisted of three nuclides, namely Neptunium 237 (Np-237), Americium 241 (Am-241), and Curium 244 (Cm-244). Calculations in this study were carried out using OpenMC. The results of this study showed that the mass of the minor actinide Np-237 was reduced by 53 kg and that of Am-241 was reduced by 61 kg when the minor actinide pin was placed in the center of the reactor core. The k-eff value obtained on the addition of Np-237 and Am-241 was in a subcritical state in the third year during the 5 year burn-up period. The mass of the minor actinide Cm-24 decreased by 363 kg when the minor actinide pin was placed at the end of the reactor core and the keff value obtained increased during 5 year burn-up period.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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