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Title: Karakteristik Biopellet Limbah Kulit Siwalan dengan Penambahan Limbah Serai sebagai Bahan Bakar Beraromaterapi
Authors: BUNGA, Ratih
Keywords: Biopellet
Limbah siwalan
Limbah serai
Tepung tapioka
Tepung maizena
Issue Date: 3-Jul-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Abstract: Energy use is increasing with an increasing population, this also occurs in the increasing amount of waste generated from residents' activities, for example, siwalan waste from plantations and citronella waste from industry. In line with this, consideration of utilizing waste can be carried out to develop renewable energy such as making biopellets. By adding siwalan and lemongrass waste to biopellets, it can be used as a potential in waste treatment with aromatherapy innovations from citronella waste. The initial stage of the research was to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the biopellet. From the results of the analysis of the quality of biopellets referring to Standard SNI 8021: 2014, the water content values ranged from 2.844% - 4.943%, the ash content ranged from 7.728% - 8.813%, the volatile matter content ranged from 80.778% - 83.220%, the heating value ranged from between 3647.015% - 4669.174% and organoleptic (aroma) with an average selection score of 1.576 and biopellet with the best treatment was obtained by adding tapioca flour, namely K4 treatment with a percentage of 70% siwalan husk and 30% lemon grass with 5% tapioca adhesive and in the K5 treatment with a composition of 100% siwalan peel and 0% citronella waste with 5% tapioca adhesive. The results of the analysis showed that the addition of lemongrass composition could increase the water content, ash content and volatile matter but had a good effect on the organoleptic test and the addition of siwalan increased the calorific value of the biopellet and the use of tapioca adhesive on the biopellet was better than cornstarch.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Agricultural Technology

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