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Title: Kelayakan Usaha dan Karakteristik C'drink : Minuman Susu Keju dengan Penambahan Aneka Agar sebagai Minuman Kekinian
Other Titles: Bussines Feasibility and C'drink Characteristics : Cheese Milk Drink with the Various of Addition as a Convenient Beverage
Authors: Hidayati, Churi Ziyyu Ulchaq Inna
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Abstract: Economic growth is closely related to social welfare. Micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) currently have an important role in supporting the economic growth of a region. UMKM that are popular and are aware of developing in the culinary field are contemporary drinks. The increasing number of contemporary beverage businesses in the community shows the number of product enthusiasts, thus causing many business people to choose to enter this business. This is what underlies the idea to develop a contemporary beverage business, namely C'drink. C'drink is a cheese milk drink with the addition of dragon fruit, mango, and butterfly pea extract. There needs to be testing related to preferences (hedonic), physical characteristics, chemistry, and financial feasibility. Based on the hedonic test of cheese milk drinks the most preferred by the panelists was the addition of 170 grams of cheese with parameters of color, aroma, taste, texture, and overall. The physical characteristics of C'drink are viscosity with a value of 3.82 cp. The chemical characteristics of C'drink are 81.31% water content, 0.56% ash content, 3.01% protein content, 2.8% fat content, and 12.48% carbohydrate content. Nutritional value and % daily values of C'drink (270 ml), namely 34 grams of carbohydrates (10%), 8 grams of protein (13%), and 8 grams of fat (12%) with a total energy of 235 kcal The feasibility of C'drink's business is seen from several calculations and financial approaches assuming a 5-year projection. The BEP of product units is 1398 pcs exceeding the annual production, with total revenue exceeding the BEP value in rupiah. The NPV value reaches Rp. 60.146.654> 0; Net value B/C ratio 1.36 > 1; IRR value of 22.21% > 12% discount rate; and PP for 3 years 1 months 25 days. The results of the calculation of these parameters indicate that this business is feasible to run.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Agricultural Technology

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