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Title: Pengukuran Good Baznas Governance Dalam Pengelolaan Zakat Infak Sedekah di Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kabupaten Jember

NUFUS, Fajar Anita Hayatun
Keywords: Good Governance
Measurement Governance
Kabupaten Jember
Issue Date: 20-Nov-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Abstract: This research aims to understand, analyze and provide assessments regarding the application of principles Good Baznas Governance at the National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS) Jember Regency. Six principles Good Baznas Governance namely the principles of Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, Fairness, Shariah Compliance. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data acquisition techniques were carried out using observation and interviews. Research informants were divided into three groups, namely key, main and supporting informants. Data analysis was carried out in four sequential stages, namely data acquisition, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that BAZNAS Jember has implemented the principles Good Baznas Governance. Next, is the assessment and categorization stage. BAZNAS Jember Regency received the title "Very Good" with notes. This means that BAZNAS Jember has a great opportunity to succeed in managing zakat, infaq and alms and is able to contribute to poverty alleviation in Jember Regency. There are several assessment indicators that need follow-up so that governance can be further refined in the coming year.
Description: Finalisasi unggah file repositori tanggal 12 Januari 2024_Kurnadi
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Economic and Business

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