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Title: Implementasi E-Modul Fisika Berbasis STEM Materi Gelombang Bunyi untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa SMA Kelas XI
Authors: PUSPITASARI, Nita Rayi
Keywords: RESPON
Issue Date: 12-Apr-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: One of the thinking ability needed in the 21st century is scientific literacy. To improve scientific literacy ability, there is a need for meaningful learning innovations through theimplementasion of STEM-based physics e-modules. This study aims to describe students' scientific literacy ability and describe student responses. The research method used is of quantitative research. The instrument uses a scientific literacy post-test and a student response questionnaire. There were 65 as the respondents in SMAN 3 Jember. The results of research scientific literacy ability is in a high category with a percentage of 82.86%. The percentage of each indicator of scientific literacy: 1) explaining scientific phenomena is 85.92% (excellent); 2) evaluating and designing scientific investigations of 85.54% (excellent); 3) interpret data and scientific evidence of 77.12% (high). Student responses to the use of STEM-based physics e-modules were in a positive category with a percentage of 85.13%. Thus, the results of the study show that the STEMbased physics e-module can help students' scientific literacy ability in the high category and the responses given by students are positive towards the e-module for the learning process. Keywords: Scientific literacy, e-module based STEM, response
Description: Finalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 13 Juli 2023
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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