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Title: Pengembangan Petunjuk Praktikum Fisika Berbasis Laboratorium Virtual (Virtual Laboratory) pada Pembelajaran Fisika di SMP / MTs
Authors: WAHYUNI, Sri
LESMONO, Albertus Djoko
S, Fitriya
Issue Date: 14-Feb-2021
Publisher: Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to provide lab practice with pure validity, to know the students’ practice activity and to motivate them to study after using the developed Physics lab practice. This research is the kind of development of Physics lab practice using 4-D learning instruments. Data was obtained using logic validation, observation, and questionnaire. The logic validation value was obtained by the assessment of the virtual lab instruction which presented 2,78 so that it is said to be safe and is good to be used as development trial. Based on the development trial, it was concluded that the students work result by using the instructions on the Physics Virtual Laboratory-Based, either on the ability of observing and making note or on the ability of interpreting the result and drawing conclusion was good. Students’ motivation is classical for 92,45% so that it can be inferred that they were highly motivated during the practice.
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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