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Title: Benefits of freeze driedarabica coffee peels (Coffeaarabica) asan oralantimicrobial
Other Titles: Manfaat kulit buahkopi arabika kering beku (Coffea arabica) sebagai antimikroba oral
Authors: SUMONO, Agus
UTAMI, Yuni Mulya
DISAERA, Disaera
Keywords: peels of arabica coffee
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2022
Publisher: Makassar Dental Journal
Abstract: Background:Oralinfectionsarecurrentlytreatedwithsyntheticdrugs,namelyantimicrobials(antibioticsandantifungals) that cancauseresistantbacteria,so alternative antimicrobialsfromherbalgroupsareneeded.Arabicacoffeepeelcontainsphytochemical compounds (polyphenols, alkaloids, saponins) which have potential as natural antibacterial. Purpose:To examine the benefits of waste of arabica coffee rind in inhibiting growth of Streptococcusmutans,PorphyromonasgingivalisandCandida albicans.Methods:Thisexperimentallaboratory with the post test only group design was started with making of freeze dried coffeepeels25%,50%and75%;positivecontrolusedchlorhexidineandnystatin.Theantimicrobialtestmethodwasperformed by the diffusion method and the growth of microbial colonies was calculated using a colony counter. Result: Antimicrobial effectincreasedatallconcentration of test solutions to the three microbes.Thisshowsthatthereis a strong positive relationship betweenconcentrationandthenumber of microbial colonies.The higher concentration ofdriedarabicacoffeepeels,thegreater the effect of microbial killing power. The biggest effect is on C.albicans, P.gingivalis, S.mutans, consecutively. Conclusion: arabicacoffeefruitskincan be used as an antimicrobial oral cavity against the growth ofS.mutans,P.gingivalisandC.albicans
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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