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Title: Relationship Religious Coping with Smoking Behavior of Adolescent Students Islamic Boarding School Al Amin Paciran Lamongan
Authors: BASRI, Rizal Faisal
Keywords: coping religiosity,
adolescent students islamic coping mechanisms,
smoking behavior
Issue Date: 2-Sep-2021
Publisher: Nursing adn Health Sciences Journal
Abstract: Smoking behavior in adolescents is caused by a lack of self-control, stress and imitating their peers. Religious coping is expected to reduce maladaptive behavior in adolescents. This study aims to determine the Relationship of Religuisity Coping with Smoking Behavior of Adolescent Students Islamic Boarding School Al Amin Paciran Lamongan. Research method uses correlational quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling used a total sampling method, the total sample was 32 respondents. The results of this study were 17 respondets had positive religiosity coping, 15 respondets had negative religiosity coping. Regarding smoking behavior, there were 16 respondets who did not smoke, 7 respondets adolescents had light smoking behavior, 4 respondets adolescents had moderate smoking behavior and 5 respondets had heavy smoking behavior. The results of the variable correlation test using the Kendal tau test obtained the Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) value of <0,001. The correlation coefficient value is 0.654. Conclusion that there is a relationship between coping religiosity with smoking behavior of adolescent students islamic boarding school Al Amin Paciran Lamongan. Hopefully the results can be used to reduce smoking behavior in adolescents
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