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Title: Intervensi Pekerjaan Sosial Pada Orang Dengan Skizofrenia Berdasarkan Assessment Biopsikososial Dalam Mendukung Keberfungsian Sosialnya
Authors: PRASETYO, Franciscus Adi
Keywords: Social work
Issue Date: 23-Nov-2022
Publisher: JurnalKesejahteraan dan Pelayanan Sosial
Abstract: Mental health interventions use a multi-professional approach, and one of them involves social work. The issuance of Law no. 14/2019 concerning Social Workers several years ago, became a momentum for social workers to practice independently in the community. In this regard, this research focuses on social work interventions based on biopsychosocial assessment to support social functioning. This research method is qualitative with a case study approach. The research informants selected were three people representing different cases. The results obtained, first, in cluster 1, the focus of the intervention was on the formation of obedient behavior in taking medication; second, in cluster 2 the intervention focused on mental aspects such as self-acceptance, making peace with schizophrenia, and self-comfort; third, focused on developing interests that support the independence of people with schizophrenia.The conclusion of the study, social work interventions are tiered and prioritized according to the development of each cluster with an emphasis on mastering behaviors that are in line with social functioning.
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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