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Title: Evidence in Primary Correspondence of Cognate in Indonesian and Madurese Language
Authors: SOFYAN, Akmad
DEWI, Agustina
Keywords: Cognate Language
Phonological Correspondece
Primary Correspondence
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education
Abstract: Indonesian language formed from Malay has a kinship relationship with the Madurese language. Relationships of these languages will certainly present many similarities. Based on the formulation of the problem, the main objective in this study is to understand the types and characteristics of primary correspondence in Madurese language related to phonological correspondence with Indonesian. Phonological BI (Indonesian Language) with BM (Madurese Language). The method used to analyze the data in this paper is a comparative method, that is comparing the BI (Indonesian Language) sound system and the BM (Madurese Language) sound system. The primary correspondence between the sound system of the Indonesian language and the Madurese language includes: (1) i/Iε, (2) uכ, (3) aâ, (4) wb, (5) t#?, and (6) hΘ.
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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