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dc.contributor.authorTRISNAWATI, Winda-
dc.contributor.authorWULANDARI, Deasy-
dc.contributor.authorSUDARYANTO, Sudaryanto-
dc.description.abstractFashion products in Indonesia are now growing with the flow of modernization. This development makes society a selective society in determining their lifestyle. Lifestyle is closely related to fashion, because fashion will support a person's appearance to be more attractive and become a trend center in society. Purchase decisions are the most important component for customers so that sales strategies must be implemented appropriately through the components of Product Quality, Trust, and Electronic Word Of Mouth through Purchase Intention Fashion products on the Shopee marketplace. However, several things show the success and strength of fashion products in the Shopee market, trying to measure Purchase Intention as an intervention. Determining the quality of this product can improve the customer's purchasing decision, fashion products will be higher than other products marketed. The power of customer purchasing decisions is currently expected to be used by the e-commerce company Shopee on fashion products as a tool to win the competition in the e-commerce market in Indonesiaen_US
dc.publisherThe Effect of Product Quality, Trust, and Electronic Word of Mouth (E-Wom) on Purchase Intention and Purchase Decisions for Fashion Products on the Shopee Marketplaceen_US
dc.subjectProduct Qualityen_US
dc.subjectElectronic Word Of Mouthen_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Product Quality, Trust, and Electronic Word of Mouth (E-Wom) on Purchase Intention and Purchase Decisions for Fashion Products on the Shopee Marketplaceen_US
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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