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Title: The Effects of Environment Sanitation to Early Neonatal Death (0-7 days) in Situbondo District
Authors: FARHATI, Diana
YANI, Ristya Widi Endah
Keywords: Environment Sanitation
Early Neonatal Death
Issue Date: 27-Dec-2019
Publisher: Aloha International Journal of Health Advancement (AIJHA)
Abstract: Environment sanitation was closely related to clean and health living behavior of society to keep cleanliness and health of surrounding environment. The failure of environment sanitation affected to incident of disaster and disease epidemic which was an indirect factor of neonatal death. This research aimed to analyze the effects of environment sanitation to the incident of early neonatal death (0-7 days) in Situbondo District. This research was categorized into descriptive analytic research which exerted case control approach and data analysis method of logistic regression on the total population of 206 respondents, the research sample was simple random sampling in about 170 respondents which was comprised of case group of 85 mothers whose babies died in the age (0-7 days) and the control group of 85 mothers whose babies alive in the age 0-28 days. This research findings showed that it is found relationship between the waste water disposal and early neonatal death where the significance value 0.091.
Gov't Doc #: Kodeprodi#1610101#KedokteranGigi
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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