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Title: Hubungan Antara Kualitas Pekerjaan Perawat Dengan Kualitas Pelayanan Perawatan Pada Pasien Di Rumah Sakit Daerah Jember
Authors: ARDIANA, Anisah
WAHYUNI, Mariatul Rochmawati Nuris
Keywords: Quality of nurses
quality of care
patient perception
Issue Date: 2-Jul-2020
Publisher: Jurnal Keperawatan
Abstract: The quality of care can be influenced by the work of nurses who describe the satisfaction of nurses at work. Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between nurses' quality of work-life and the quality of care for patients. Methods: Researchers used a cross-sectional approach that involved 53 nurses in the inpatient installation with a total sampling and 53 clients in the inpatient installation selected by purposive sampling. Data collection was done by filling out questionnaires on the quality of work-life for nurses and the quality of care for clients. Results: The results showed that the quality of nurses' work lives was good (49%), and the quality of care from client perceptions was good (49%). The results of the analysis using Chi-Square showed that there was a relationship between the quality of work lives of nurses and the quality of care (pvalue= 0.009, α=0.05). Conclusion: The low quality of work-life causes low maintenance. Nurses with good quality work-life will provide good quality care. Therefore, planning a strategy to create a comfortable work environment by improving every dimension of the work-life quality is vital to improving the quality of care.
Gov't Doc #: KODEPRODI2310101#Ilmu Keperawatan
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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