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Title: Pengukuran kadar kalsium saliva terlarut pada gigi yang dilakukan eksternal bleaching dan dipapar dengan Streptococcus mutans
Authors: SYAFRIADI, Mei
Keywords: : Saliva
Issue Date: 1-May-2014
Publisher: Jurnal PDGI
Abstract: Background: Peroxide content in bleaching material may increase tooth whitening process, however it also causes bad effect. Several literatures reported there were hypersensitivity, caries and tooth fragile occur after bleaching. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) form diperokso structure (H4O4) that can react with apatit structure in enamel and replace PO4 with diperokso bond forming new complex structure. This new structure makes enamel weak due to less of enamel surface microhardness caused enlargement gap among enamel prism and then make micro holes on tooth suface. Purpose: The purpose of the study to discover how much solubility of saliva calcium in tooth that bleached and incubated by S. mutans. Methods: this study used samples of 12 premolars from tooth extraction for orthodontic treatment and divided into 3 groups. Control group (I) that were immersed in artificial saliva plus suspense of S. mutans, at the same way group IIand III immersed in artificial saliva plus suspense of S. mutans then bleached by carbamide peroxide 10 %, and hydrogen peroxide 10 % for 6 weeks. The dissolved saliva calsium analyzed by using Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometry (AAS). Results: The result showed that group I its solubility concentration was 1,016; group II was 1,65; and group III was 2,607 ppm. Increasing of calcium solubility in saliva cause enamel surface rough and ease adhesion and plaque formation by S. mutan. Finally, increasing demineralization would perform tooth caries risk. Conclusion: concluded that the bleaching material can cause structural changes in the enamel covering the solubility of inorganic components and micro hardness of tooth enamel reduction.
Gov't Doc #: KODEPRODI1610101#Kedokteran Gigi
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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