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Title: Challenges of Implementing Deradicalisation Programs for Terrorist Prisoners: An Examination of Indonesian Prison Officers' Experiences
Authors: SUARDA, I Gede Widhiana
Keywords: Challenges
Directorate General of Corrections (DGC)
Indonesian Prison Officers
Indonesia’s Prison-based Deradicalisation Program
National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT)
Prison-based Deradicalisation Program
Role of Indonesian Prison Officers on Terrorist Rehabilitation
Special Prison for Convicted Terrorist
Terrorist Convicts
Terrorist Inmates
Terrorist Prisoners
Terrorist Rehabilitation
Issue Date: 14-Apr-2018
Publisher: International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences
Abstract: In dealing with convicted terrorists throughout prisons, prison-based deradicalisation programs have been instituted by many states. Generally, the programs have two objectives: preventing radicalisation in the prisons, and reducing violent behaviour of the convicted terrorists. For the implementation of such programs, terrorist inmates are the participants, while one arm of the implementers is the prison officers. Following this issue, many studies around terrorist inmates and deradicalisation programs have been conducted. In the Indonesian context, although an emerging body of literature is available that focuses on terrorist inmates and deradicalisation programs, less attention has been paid to the Indonesian prison officers who are implementing the program at the coalface. This study addresses this research gap, and focuses on the experiences of Indonesian prison officers implementing prison-based deradicalisation programs. To achieve these goals, focus group discussions with Indonesian prison officers were conducted in three Indonesian prisons, namely Cipinang, Pasir Putih Nusakambangan, and Surabaya Prisons. To analyse the data, a thematic qualitative analysis was employed. The study also applied legal research to formulate strategies to improve the role of Indonesian prison officers in the implementation of deradicalisation programs. The findings demonstrate five challenges faced by Indonesian prison officers implementing such programs: terrorist inmates’ personalities, the readiness of Indonesian prison officers, the sustainability of Indonesia’s prison-based deradicalisation program, institutional infrastructure problems, and unavailability of collaborative mechanisms. Further, the study specifically considered the establishment of a special prison for convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Although various advantages, disadvantages, and policy recommendations related to the establishment of this prison were identified, there was absolute agreement among the prison officers for this initiative. An evaluation of the needs of Indonesian prison officers in implementing terrorist rehabilitation programs found that appropriate training and good partnerships are essential. Moreover, the thesis presents policy recommendations and identifies regulation reform to improve Indonesian prison officers’ role in terrorist rehabilitation. These findings extend the body of knowledge on prison-based deradicalisation programs from the perspective of prison officers.
Gov't Doc #: Kodeprodi#0710101#IlmuHukum
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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