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Title: Pola Asuh Ibu dalam Kebersihan Organ Reproduksi selama Menstruasi pada Remaja Tunagrahita
Authors: NAFIKADANI, Iken
Keywords: Personal hygiene
mother education system
mentally retarded children
Issue Date: 3-Dec-2020
Publisher: Jurnal Kesehatan
Abstract: Mentally retarded children are children who have limitations in intellectual abilities. The classification of mental retardation based on intellectual classification is divided into three classes, namely debil/moron, moderate, and idiot. Mentally retarded children will step into adolescence which will be marked by physical changes but not in line with their thinking abilities. Many reproductive health problems arise in children with mental retardation, especially during menstruation. Personal hygiene during menstruation should be noticed by mentally disabled children that have mental retardation. Infinitely, the mother's role in nurturing is helpful in this case. It is expected to mentally disabled children can be more independent and not depend on others in personal hygiene attitude of reproductive organs, especially at menstruation time. The purpose of this study is to explore the mother education system toward personal hygiene of reproductive organs of menstrual disabled children mentally that includes four aspects that are regulation, punishment, reward, and consistency. The determination of informants in this study by using purposive technique. Researchers collected data using in-depth interviews, and triangulation of sources. The results of this study indicate that all informants provided regulatory aspects through communicated oral regulations such as by reminding and giving examples. Most mothers have given punishment through verbal, such as yelling, and through physical punishment such as hitting. All mothers have given appreciation through praise in subtle ways, smiles, seduction when the child can behave following what has been taught. All mothers have provided an aspect of consistency by reminding their children all the time, communicating with the school’s teacher, additionally providing examples and direct practice in front of the children. Based on the analysis results showed that all informants have given four aspects of parenting pattern to menstrual mentally disabled children.
Gov't Doc #: KODEPRODI2110101#Kesehatan Masyarakat
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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