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Title: Cupping as An Effective Complementary Therapy to Reduce Chronic Low Back Pain in Medical Rehabilitation Subdivision Perkebunan Hospital Jember
Authors: IRIAWANDANI, Debie Saktyana
HIDAYATI, Hanik Badriyah
WIDADA, Wahyudi
YULIS, Zuhrotul Eka
Keywords: chronic low back pain
cupping therapy
pain intensity
Issue Date: 13-Dec-2021
Publisher: IJSCIA International Journal of Scientific Advances
Abstract: Pain, especially chronic pain lasts prolonged weariness, usually persistent and recurring. Thus, pain is often found in patients with Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP). One alternative treatment to reduce chronic low back pain is cupping therapy. The main principle of cupping therapy is using of negative pressure to attract toxin substances, free radicals in the blood, inflammation cells, metabolic waste or Causative Pathological Substances (CPS), scarification in the form of skin removal and removing CPS. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of cupping therapy on pain intensity of CLBP patients in Medical Rehabilitation Sub Division Perkebunan Hospital Jember. The design in this study was quasi experiment nonequivalent control group. The population was all CLBP patients who underwent physiotherapy in the physiotherapy room at Perkebunan Hospital Jember. The sample consisted of 34 respondents (17 respondents in the intervention group and 17 respondents in the control group) using purposive sampling. A cupping therapy was done once in the intervention group. Statistical test results using Wilcoxon obtained p value 0.000 with a value of α <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of cupping therapy on pain intensity of CLBP patients in Medical Rehabilitation Sub Division Perkebunan Hospital Jember. Cupping Therapy can be used as a complementary or alternative therapy to reduce pain of CLBP patients at Perkebunan Hospital Jember.
Gov't Doc #: Kodeprodi#2010101#pendidikandokter
ISSN: NIDN#0018058104
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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