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Title: Meloxicam Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System: Formulation And Release Kinetics Analysis
Authors: AULIA, Salma
Keywords: Meloxicam
The kinetics of release
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2021
Publisher: International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
Abstract: he oral route is the main route of drug delivery for various diseases. Fifty percent of oral administration of drugs is inhibited due to low drug solubility [1], whereas according to the Noyes Whitney equation, drug solubility is directly proportional to the dissolution rate. Drug dissolution in biological systems is a vital attribute before systemic absorption. In vitro drug dissolution study is a relatively fast and inexpensive technique to predict absorption in vivo of a drug formulation [2]. The dissolution study can reflect differences in bioavailability due to formulation factors [3]. For drugs with low solubility, appropriate formulation methods are needed to increase their solubility. Meloxicam is a class II Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) [4], which has very low solubility in water (4.4 g/ml, 25 °C) [5]. This study used a lipid-based drug delivery system, a self-nano emulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS), to increase meloxicam solubility. SNEDDS has an advantage in increasing the surface area leading to increased lipophilic drug dissolution and absorption
ISSN: KODEPRODI2210101#Farmasi
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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