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dc.contributor.authorFARID, Muh-
dc.contributor.authorNASARUDDIN, Nasaruddin-
dc.contributor.authorMUSA, Yunus-
dc.contributor.authorANSHOR, Muhammad Fuad-
dc.contributor.authorRIDWAN, Ifayanti-
dc.contributor.authorHENDRA, Jekvy-
dc.contributor.authorSubroto, Gatot-
dc.description.abstractOne of approaches to maintain the yield stability of the lowland tropical wheat is the use of secondary traits in the selection process. The identification of these characters requires a statistical approach in the form of genetic parameter analysis and multivariate analysis. The objective of this study was to determine the secondary traits of adaptive wheat mutants in the lowlands through the use of genetic parameters and multivariate analysis on the parameters. The study consisted of three field trials conducted in three different regencies, namely Jeneponto (135 m above sea level (asl)), Maros (100 m asl) and Bantaeng (125 m asl). The study used a nested design, where replications were nested in the environments. The genotype factors consisted of 20 genotypes repeated three times. 11 characters were observed including vegetative and reproductive characters. The analysis used consisted of repeatability, correlation, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis, and cross print analysis. The overall results of the analysis indicate that the number of productive tillers is the main secondary trait for the selection of adaptive wheat in the lowlands. The character can be recommended for selection criteria in testing wheat lines in the lowlands to make an effective selectionen_US
dc.publisherPlant Breeding and Biotechnologyen_US
dc.subjectGenetic parametersen_US
dc.subjectMultivariate analysisen_US
dc.subjectProductive tillersen_US
dc.subjectSecondary traitsen_US
dc.subjectTropical wheaten_US
dc.titleGenetic Parameters and Multivariate Analysis to Determine Secondary Traits in Selecting Wheat Mutant Adaptive on Tropical Lowlandsen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI1510501#Agroteknologi Pertanian-
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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