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dc.contributor.authorMURDIYAH, siti-
dc.contributor.authorTRI PRASETYO, rino-
dc.description.abstractThe area of Indonesia is 1.3% of the Earth, but it has the highest level of biodiversity. Biodiversity in environment needs to be explored. The mountain area is one of the most suitable environments for exploring biodiversity, such as the Gumitir Mountain. Gumitir Mountain has altitude around 620 meters above sea level. Gumitir Mountain has high biodiversity. Mosses (Bryophyta), ferns (Pterydophyta), till seed plants (Spermatophyta), and including Lichen was found in this area. Lichen is a mutualism symbiotic organism between fungi and green algae or blue-green algae that lives on the surface of the tree or other substrate with variation of shapes and colors. This study aims to determine the diversity of kinds and frequencies of each kind of lichen that found in the Gumitir Mountain area of Jember Regency. This research classified into exploratory research. Data retrieval is using the cruised method. Lichens are found in 20 species with Phlyctis argena (Ach.) Flot. as kind of lichen that is abundant in Gumitir Mountain Area.en_US
dc.publisherDiversity and Frequency of the Kind of Lichen in Gumitir Mountain Area of Jember Regencyen_US
dc.subjectDiversity and frequencyen_US
dc.subjectGumitir Mountainen_US
dc.titleDiversity and Frequency of the Kind of Lichen in Gumitir Mountain Area of Jember Regencyen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI0210103#Pendidikan Biologi-
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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