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Title: Short Movie of Adolescent Reproductive Health Based on Friendly of Local Wisdom for Junior High School
Authors: SUSANTO, Tantut
NUR, Kholid Rosyidi Muhammad
ASTUTI, Soekma Yeni
Keywords: Adolescent reproductive health
Short film creation
Local wisdom
friendly content
School health program
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2020
Publisher: Journal of Community Empowerment for Health
Abstract: The lack of information and in-depth knowledge about adolescent reproductive health (ARH) has a negative impact on junior high school (JHS) students during puberty that can develop into unhealthy reproductive behaviors, such as risky sexual behavior in dating and consumption of pornography through online media. Meanwhile, there is a lack of facilities and infrastructure to accommodate the interests and talents of students that are friendly with local wisdom. Accordingly, a partnership program is needed between schools and universities to improve student creativity by coaching ARH through the empowerment of the school environment. The creation of the short movie program "Healthy ARH" with local wisdom- KEYWORDS Adolescent reproductive health Short film creation Local wisdomfriendly content School health program friendly content was conducted for six months at JHS 2 and JHS 3 Tamanan, Bondowoso. A total of 36 students, 34 parents, and six teachers participated in this program. The series of activities consisted of community school consultations, training to make a short film, education and training for ARH, and monitoring and evaluation of the program. Program assessments for students were done through quantitative measurements using Chi-squared tests for analyses of the differences in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning ARH, as well as knowledge of HIV at the beginning of month 1, month 3, and month 6, whereas the qualitative evaluation was done through content analysis of focus group discussions to improve the program. Among 36 students who took part in this program, there were significant differences in ARH understanding before and after participating in the creation of the short film "Healthy ARH" based on local wisdom-friendly content, in terms of knowledge (X 2 = 33.6; p<0.001), attitudes (X 2 = 16.2; p=0.001), behavior (X 2 = 24.3; p<0.001), and knowledge of HIV (X 2 = 11.9; p=0.008). We concluded the short film "Healthy ARH" based on local wisdom-friendly content can improve the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning ARH, as well as students' HIV knowledge.
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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