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Title: Using Mind Mapping Technique for Pre-Writing Activity to Improve the Eighth Grade Students’ Participation and Recount Text Writing Achievement at MTs Al-Ihsan Tembelang Jomban
Authors: Rahmawaty, Lisia
Ariyanto, Sugeng
Andayani, Made Adi
Keywords: Mind Mapping Technique, Writing Achievement
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2015
Publisher: FKIP Universitas Jember
Abstract: This research was intended to improve students’ participation and their writing recount text achievement by using mind mapping as the technique for pre-writing activity.The design of this research was classroom action research. The research area, MTs Al-Ihsan Tembelang Jombang and its subjects, the eighth grade students were chosen by using purposive method. The data were collected by observation, writing achievement test, interview, and documentation. The research result showed that 69 % or 25 from 36 students were categorized as active in the first meeting, and 32 or 89% from 36 students were active in the second meeting. In addition, the result of writing test was that there were 28 students or 78% who passed the standard score, and the mean score was 77. This means that using mind mapping as the technique for pre-writing activity could improve the eighth grade students’ participation and their writing recount text
ISSN: 2338-4190
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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