Browsing by Author UMAMAH, Nurul

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 66  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-09-09Aceh Tsunami and Government Policy in Handling it: A Historical StudyDANUGROHO, Agus; UMAMAH, Nurul; MARJONO, Marjono; SUMARDI, Sumardi; PRATAMA, Akhmad Ryan
2019-08-22Analisis Kualitas Soal Formatif Semester Genap Pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kelas X Ips Sman 1 Jember Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018SUMARDI; UMAMAH, Nurul; FITRIAWATI, Anita
2021-05-12Analysis of Prior Knowledge of Educators on Edmodo E-Learning Media and Schoology and its Relationship with Students Critical Thinking AbilitySULININGSIH, Suliningsih; UMAMAH, Nurul; NA'IM, Mohammad
2021-05-12Assessing Prior Knowledge and Needs Assessment for Virtual Laboratorium DevelopmentUMAMAH, Nurul; SUBCHAN, Wachju; PUJI, Rully Putri Nirmala; MAHMUDI, Kendid
2019-09-09Chocolate Industry in Puslitkoka Jember is Benefits of Colonial HeritageHASANAH, Hasanah; UMAMAH, Nurul; NA'IM, Mohamad
2019-09-09Development of Augmented Reality in Biotechnology Processes as a Supporting Media for Science Learning Modules in Elementary SchoolsAGUSTININGSIH, Agustiningsih; UMAMAH, Nurul; SURATNO, Suratno; MAHMUDI, Kendid
2022-10Development of E-Books and E-Modules for Thematic Learning The Beauty of Diversity in My Country Sub-theme 2 Grade IV SD Negeri Sumber Pandan 2NA'IM, Mohammad; UMAMAH, Nurul; SOEPONO, Bambang; PUSPITANINGRUM, Dyah Ayu; PANGASTUTI, Era Iswara; KURNIANTO, Fahmi Arif
2021-05-12Development of E-Modules Based on Science Technology Society Integrated Life Based Learning in History LearningMA'RIFATULLAH, Rizal; UMAMAH, Nurul; MARJONO, Marjono; SUMARDI, Sumardi; SURYA, Riza Afita
2021-02Development of Historical Learning E-module Based Value Clarification Technique (VCT)UMAMI, Riza; UMAMAH, Nurul; SUMARDI, Sumardi; SURYA, Riza Afita
2019-09-09The Development of Patukangan Local Sites Situbondo E-Module for History Learning by Using Dick and Carey ModelSUMARDI, Sumardi; AZIZHA, Fatima Shinta; UMAMAH, Nurul
2021-10The Difference of Problem Based Learning Models & Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Models on The Critical Thinking and Learning OutcomesMUJIANTI, Yunita Ika; UMAMAH, Nurul; MARJONO, Marjono; SUMARDI, Sumardi; SURYA, Riza Afita
2020-06-02Educating Society about Biotechnology and Its Impact to The Environment: an Analysis to Practical Experience at the Group of Farmer at Sukorambi Vilage, Distric of Sukorambi, Regency of Jember, East Java, IndonesiaSURATNO, Suratno; UMAMAH, Nurul; F. HASAN; HIMMAH, Irliana Faiqotul; K. C. KARWENDYANTO
2020-04-01The Effectiveness of STEAM-Based Biotechnology Module Equipped with Flash Animation for Biology Learning in High SchoolUTOMO, Anjar Putro; HASANAH, Luthfiyatul; HARIYADI, Slamet; NARULITA, Erlia; SURATNO, Suratno; UMAMAH, Nurul
2018-11-02The Enhancement of Attractiveness and Effectiveness of History Learning Using Local History Interactive Teaching MaterialMA’UNAH, Siti; UMAMAH, Nurul; SUMARDI, Sumardi; SURYA, Riza Afita
2019-03-05Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran Sejarah Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 dengan Menggunakan Model Evaluasi CIPP di SMA Negeri 1 KencongUMAMAH, Nurul; NA'IM, Mohammad; SAIDAH, Malichatus
2019-09-09Identification of Biotechnology Urgency in the Environmental Knowledge CourseUMAMAH, Nurul; SURATNO, Suratno; WATHON, Syubbanul
2022-11-01The Implementation Of Self-Organized Learning Environment Model And Self-Directed Learning Model To Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills: An Experimental StudyNOVIYANTI, Noviyanti; UMAMAH, Nurul; MARJONO, Marjono; SUMARDI, Sumardi; SURYA, Riza Afita
2019-09-09The Importance of Updating the Learning Media for History Teachers in Vocational High SchoolsNA'IM, Mohamad; UMAMAH, Nurul; KHURIYAH, Luluk
2020-06-25The Integration of Life-Based Learning Based Local Wisdom in the Development of Innovative Biotechnology Learning ModelsSURATNO, Suratno; UMAMAH, Nurul; NARULITA, Erlia; KOMARIA, Nurul Komaria; KHOTIMAH, Khusnul
2020-09-01The Integration of Life-Based Learning Based Local Wisdom in the Development of Innovative Biotechnology Learning ModelsSURATNO, Suratno; UMAMAH, Nurul; NARULITA, Erlia; KOMARIA, Nurul; KHOTIMAH, Khusnul