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Browsing by Author Hasan, Muhamad
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019-07-31 | Konsumsi Kopi Robusta Menurunkan Kekuatan Tulang Femur Tikus Wistar Jantan (Robusta Coffe Consumption Decrease The Femoral Bone Strength in Rats) | Andalusia, Sarah Kinan; Hasan, Muhamad; Wisudanti, Desie Dwi |
2019-02-21 | Pengaruh Pemberian Teh Hitam terhadap VO2max dan Pemulihan Denyut Nadi Pasca Melakukan Latihan Treadmill (The Effect of Black Tea on VO2max and Heart Rate Recovery Time after Treadmill Exercise) | Murdanu, Yedi; Abrori, Cholis; Hasan, Muhamad |
2019-01-03 | Perbandingan Komplikasi Malunion pada Pasien Fraktur Humerus Pasca Terapi Operatif dan Non-Operatif di RS Bina Sehat (A Comparison of Malunion Complications in Humerus Fracture Patient After Operative and Non-Operative Treatment at the Bina Sehat Hospital) | Djaya, Alfonsus Mario Eri Surya; Hasan, Muhamad; Efendi, Erfan |
2014 | Perbandingan Rentang Gerak Sendi Bahu Siku dan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Atas pada Pasien Fraktur Humerus dengan Terapi Operatif dan Non-Operatif RS Dr. Soebandi Periode 2010-2013 (Comparation of Shoulder and Elbow Range of Motion and Arm Muscle Strength in Humerus Fractured Patients Treated with Operative and Non-operative at Dr. Soebandi Hospital 2010-2013) | Hasan, Muhamad; Prasetyo, Roni; Chandra Hariyono, Dedy |
2016 | Perbandingan Rentang Gerak Sendi Bahu Siku dan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Atas pada Pasien Fraktur Humerus dengan Terapi Operatif dan Non-Operatif RS Dr. Soebandi Periode 2010-2013 (Comparation of Shoulder and Elbow Range of Motion and Arm Muscle Strength in Humerus Fractured Patients Treated with Operative and Non-operative at Dr. Soebandi Hospital 2010-2013) | Hasan, Muhamad; Prasetyo, Roni; Chandra Hariyono, Dedy |