Browsing by Author ADIWENA, Muh

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-04-04Combination of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria and Botanical Pesticide Increases Organic Red Rice Yield and Reduces the Leptocorisa Acuta PopulationHOESAIN, Mohammad; PRASTOWO, Sigit; SUHARTO, Suharto; PRADANA, Ankardiansyah Pandu; ASYIAH, Iis Nur; ALFARIZY, Fariz Kustiawan; ADIWENA, Muh
2023-01-01Effect of micronutrient-enriched media on the efficacy of Bacillus subtilis as a biological control agent against Meloidogyne incognitaADIWENA, Muh; MURTILAKSONO, Aditya; EGRA, Saat; HOESAIN, Mohammad; ASYIAH, Iis Nur; PRADANA, Ankardiansyah Pandu; IZATIKA, Zidna Nurul
2022-08-02Effectivity of the Consortium of Rhizobacteria and Endophytic Bacteria to Controls the White Tip Disease of Rice Caused by Seed-Borne Nematode Aphelenchoides besseyiPRADANA, Ankardiansyah Pandu; HOESAIN, Mohammad; ASYIAH, Iis Nur; MASNILAH, Rachmi; IZATIKA, Zidna Nurul; ADIWENA, Muh; BUDIMAN, Aris
2021-01-02Growth and yield performance of maize at red-yellow podzolic acid soil after oil palm empty fruit bunches compost and rice husk charcoal applicationMARDHIANA, Mardhiana; APRIYANI, Dwi; ADIWENA, Muh; PRADANA, Ankardiansyah Pandu
2020-04-02Karakterisasi Bakteri dari Perakaran Nepenthes Mirabilis untuk Pengendalian Hayati Fusarium OxysporumMARDIANA, Mardiana; ADIWENA, Muh; PRADANA, Ankardiansyah Pandu
2020-07-08Seleksi Dan Karakterisasi Pertumbuhan Cendawan Tanah Penghasil Enzim Protease Asal Rhizosfer PADI DI Tarakan – Kalimantan UtaraADIWENA, Muh; MARDHIANA, Mardhiana; MURTILAKSONO, Aditya; SANTOSO, Dwi; WIJAYA, Rizza; PRADANA, Ankardiansyah Pandu
2021-05-28Use of aqueous plant extracts to reduce profenofos residues in the leaf of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) and suppression of the grasshopper populationHOESAIN, Mohammad; PRASTOWO, Sigit; WAGIYANA, Wagiyana; PRADANA, Ankardiansyah Pandu; KUSTIAWAN, Fariz; ADIWENA, Muh
2023-02-04The utilization of organic adjuvants to increase the effectiveness of chlorpyrifos insecticides against Spodoptera lituraHOESAIN, Mohammad; PRASTOWO, Sigit; WAGIYANA, Wagiyana; PRADANA, Ankardiansyah Pandu; ALFARISY, Fariz Kustiawan; ADIWENA, Muh