Browsing by Author INDARTO, Indarto

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Showing results 16 to 35 of 58 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-12-05The Biophysics Characteristic of palm oil plantation using ground-based and low-altitude Remote SensingPUTRA, Bayu Taruna Widjaja; INDARTO, Indarto; ASKIN, Askin
2017-06-15Calibration of Six Recursive Digital Filters for Baseflow Separation in East JavaINDARTO, Indarto; RATNANINGSIH, Anik; WAHYUNINGSIH, Sri
2021-06-02Comprehensive Measurement and Evaluation of Modern Paddy Cultivation with A Hydroganics System Under Different Nutrient Regimes Using WSN and Ground-Based Remote SensingPUTRA, Bayu Taruna Widjaja; SYAHPUTRA, Wahyu Nurkholis Hadi; RUSDIAMIN, Rusdiamin; INDARTO, Indarto; ANAM, Khairul; DARMAWAN, Tio; MARHAENANTO, Bambang
2018-12-01Desain Sistem Manajemen Aset untuk Jaringan Irigasi Tersier (Design Asset Management System for Tertiary Irrigation Network)ERNANDA, Heru; ANDRIYANI, Idah; INDARTO, Indarto
2019-08-08Evaluasi Data Hujan Harian Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Versi Ke-6 di Provinsi Papua BaratFAISOL, Arif; BUDIYONO, Budiyono; INDARTO, Indarto; NOVITA, Elida
2020-06-02An evaluation of MODIS global evapotranspiration product (MOD16A2) as terrestrial evapotranspiration in East Java - IndonesiaFAISOL, Arif; INDARTO, Indarto; NOVITA, Elida; BUDIYONO, Budiyono
2020-02-01An Evaluation of MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Product (MOD16A2) as Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Study in Manokwari - West Papua - IndonesiaFAISOL, Arif; INDARTO, Indarto; NOVITA, Elida; BUDIYONO, Budiyono
2020-11-25An Evaluation of MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Product as Satellite-Based Evapotranspiration Data for Supporting Precision Agriculture in West Papua - IndonesiaFAISOL, Arif; INDARTO, Indarto; NOVITA, Elida; BUDIYONO, Budiyono
2022-08-24Flood Hazard Mapping of the Welang river, Pasuruan, East Java, IndonesiaHIDAYAH, Entin; HALIK, Gusfan; INDARTO, Indarto; KHAULAN, Dian Wahyu
2023-03-08Flood Mapping Based On Open-Source Remote Sensing Data Using an Efficient Band Combination SystemHIDAYAH, Entin; PRANADIARSO, Tedy; HALIK, Gusfan; INDARTO, Indarto; LEE, Wei-Koon; MARUF, Mokhammad Farid
2021-12-10The Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Hydrological Processes in Brantas Watershed, East Java, IndonesiaSUJARWO, Mohamad Wawan; INDARTO, Indarto; MANDALA, Marga
2019-09-20An investigation of copper chlorophyllin solution for low-cost optical devices calibration in chlorophyll measurementPUTRA, Bayu Taruna Widjaja; PURWOKO, Risky Setiawan; INDARTO, Indarto; SONI, Peeyush
2019-04-01Karakteristik Hidrologi pada Dua DAS Kecil di Wilayah UPT PSDA di Surabaya: Analisis Menggunakan Indicators Of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA)ROHMAN, Isfi Roni; INDARTO, Indarto; ANDRIYANI, Idah
2019-07-01Kecenderungan Hujan Ekstrem di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air di Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (The Trend of Extreme Rainfall in the Water Management Unit of Pasuruan, East Java)HIDAYAT, Muhammad Dian Nurul; INDARTO, Indarto; ASKIN, Askin; ANDRIYANI, Idah; TASLIMAN, Tasliman
2020-09-02Komparasi Antara Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation With Stations (CHIRPS) dan Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) dalam Membangkitkan Informasi Curah Hujan Harian di Provinsi Jawa TimurFAISOL, Arif; INDARTO, Indarto; NOVITA, Elida; BUDIYONO, Budiyono
2017-10-30Kurva Intensitas Durasi Frekuensi (Idf) Hujan Pada 3 Stasiun (Studi Kasus Das Sampean Kabupaten Bondowoso)HIDAYAH, Entin; INDARTO, Indarto
2022-09-09Land cover and vegetation mapping of tropical forest areas using a very high-resolution image in Central BorneoIRSYAM, Mahrus; INDARTO, Indarto; PUTRA, Bayu Taruna Wijaya; SUBAGIO, Achmad
2021-08-17Mapping of Soil Quality Index (SQI) for Paddy Fields Using Sentinel-2 Imagery, Laboratory Analysis, and Principal Component AnalysisSARI, Putri Tunjung; INDARTO, Indarto; MANDALA, Marga; CAHYONO, Bowo Eko
2020-03-03Modelling Discharge, Erosion and Sedimentation at Small Watershed in East JavaSUJARWO, Mohamad Wawan; INDARTO, Indarto; MANDALA, Marga
2020-12-09Modelling Erosion and Sedimentation in a Small Watershed, East Java, IndonesiaSUJARWO, Mohamad Wawan; INDARTO, Indarto; MANDALA, Marga