Browsing by Author WAHYUNI, Sri

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 157 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-03-23Developing Science Process Skills and Problem - Solving Abilities Based on Outdoor Learning in Junior High SchoolWAHYUNI, Sri; INDRAWATI, Indrawati; SUDARTI, Sudarti; SUANA, W
2015-04-03Developing Web-based Performance Assessment In Integrated Science CourseWAHYUNI, Sri
2016-12-01Development of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Based Teaching Materials in Junior High SchoolWAHYUNI, Sri
2022-07-01The Development of De Djawatan Local Potential-Based E-Module for Science Learning to Improve Science Process Skills of Junior High School StudentsNURYAH, Dian Fajar; NUHA, Ulin; WAHYUNI, Sri
2021-09-13The Development of E-Student Worksheet on Environmental Pollution to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School StudentsWAHYUNI, Sri; RIZKI, Lum’atul Khoirot; BUDIARSO, Aris Singgih; PUTRA, Pramudya Dwi Aristya; NARULITA, Erlia
2023-04-01The Development of Science Teaching Materials Based on Android Mobile to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Junior High School StudentsZUNIARI, Nurul Iqdami; WAHYUNI, Sri; RIDLO, Zainur Rasyid
2022-09-01Development of Sets-based Science E-module To Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Grade Viii Students on Additive and Addictive Substances MaterialNISA, Asifa Khoirun; WAHYUNI, Diah; WAHYUNI, Sri; YUSMAR, Firdha; FADILAH, Rizka Elan
2019-07-01Development of Work Sheet of Accounting Basic Education Practicum ModelKARTINI, Titin; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad; WAHYUNI, Sri; MASHUDI, Udik; KANTUN, Sri
2020-10-04Diversification strategy of processed catfish products at UD. Matrix Jaya JemberGUSTYNINGRUM, Weny Dwi Putri; WIDODO, Joko; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad; WAHYUNI, Sri; KARTINI, Titin
2020-06-02Diversification Strategy of Processed Catfish Products at UD. Matrix Jaya JemberWDP GUSTYNINGRUM; WIDODO, Joko; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad; WAHYUNI, Sri; KARTINI, Titin
2022-07-04Edmodo-Based Blended Learning Model as an Alternative of Science Learning to Motivate and Improve Junior High School Students’ Scientific Critical Thinking SkillsWAHYUNI, Sri; SANJAYA, I Gusti Made; ERMAN, Erman; JATMIKO, Budi
2022-06-01Edmodo-Based Interactive Teaching Materials as a Alternative Media for Science Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School StudentsWAHYUNI, Sri; ERMAN, Erman; SUDIKAN, Yuwana; JATMIKO, Budi
2023-01-01Efektifitas E-modul Interaktif Berbasis Google Sites Mata Pelajara IPA Listrik Statis dan Dinamis untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa MtsRATNAWATI, Sulik; SUPENO, Supeno; WAHYUNI, Sri
2020-06-01The Effect of Digital Marketing on Organizational Performance Through Intellectual Capital and Perceived Quality in Micro, Small and Medium EnterprisesISLAMI, Novita Nurul; WAHYUNI, Sri; TIARA, Tiara
2020-09-12The Effect of Instagram as Social Media Marketing on Students’ Comsumtive Behavior (Case Study of Students’ in Faculty of Economics and Business University of Jember from 2016 to 2019 Generation)IBROHIM, Dafid Maulana; WIDODO, Joko; WAHYUNI, Sri; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad; KANTUN, Sri
2013-12-01The Effectiveness of Flipbook and Video to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning during the Covid-19 PandemicNUHA, Ulin; WAHYUNI, Sri; BUDIARSO, Aris Singgih; HASANAH, Uswatun; ANGG, Novita Eka
2021-06-01The Effectiveness of Flipbook and Video to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning During The COVID-19 PandemicNUHA, Ulin; WAHYUNI, Sri; BUDIARSO, Aris Singgih; HASANAH, Uswatun; ANGGRAENI, Novita Eka
2021-06-13The Effectiveness of Flipbook and Video to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning During the COVID-19 PandemicNUHA, Ulin; WAHYUNI, Sri; BUDIARSO, Aris Singgih; HASANAH, Uswatun; ANGGRAENI, Novita Eka
2020-06-02Efforts of Young Parents in Meeting Children’s Physiological NeedsAZ RIZQIYAH; SUKIDIN, Sukidin; HARTANTO, Wiwin; SUHARSO, Pudjo; WAHYUNI, Sri
2019Estimation of Groundwater Potential Using the Electrical Resistivity Method - Wenner ArrayWAHYUNI, Sri; HALIK, Gusfan; ROHMAH, Maisaroh Ainur; SISINGGIH, Dian